Roxel UK set to attend IEC Conference 2024

Roxel UK set to attend IEC Conference 2024

Roxel attending IEC< Edinburgh

Roxel UK set to attend IEC Conference 2024 

Roxel UK Ltd, a leader in propulsion systems and missile technologies, is pleased to announce its participation in the International Explosives Conference 2024. The Conference which takes place from the 18th-20th June at the John McIntyre Conference Centre, The University of Edinburgh, is an international conference that explores the fundamental science of explosives and energetic materials. 

The Conference is organised by the Centre of Excellence of Energetic Materials (COEEM), in conjunction with Cranfield University and the Sector Skills Strategy Group (SSSG), and is a key event in the year for all technical professionals interested in energetic materials, from early careers through to subject matter experts. 


This year Roxel UK will be attending as part of our mission to meet current and future UK defence and customer requirements by designing and developing high performance, innovative rocket propulsion systems. Themes for the conference include Artificial Intelligence (AI), Simulation, Synthesis and Manufacturing, and Novel Explosives. The conference is beneficial to any professional involved with or interested in the underpinning science of explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics. 


Anna Stanners, Senior Energetics Chemist at Roxel UK will be attending the conference says, “We are looking forward to attending IEC 2024 as our engineers and scientists are heavily invested and committed to UK propellant research and development. For the ‘Synthesis and Manufacture’ Theme, Roxel will be supporting the section with a presentation on the recent developments of formulating and manufacturing composite propellant using Resonant Acoustic Mixing (RAM).” 

Anna adds, “I am keen to discuss recent developments in RAM technologies, as well as gaining useful insights into the other energetic industries. It will also be a great chance to network with other members from other UK defence companies”. 


Anna will be joined by her colleagues at Roxel UK; Richard Johnson – Chief Chemist, Poppy Hilliard – Research and Technology Manager, Jonni Short and Nicole Grant – Energetics Chemists. 


This is the second IEC event with the first being held in London in 2022 with the Conference now planned every two years. The organising committee is made up of university representatives from Cranfield, Sheffield, Edinburgh and Imperial College London, with event sponsors including organisations such as DSTL, AWE, and Royal Society of Chemistry. 

For more information regarding Roxel UK attending IEC 2024, please contact or alternatively call +44 (0) 1562 828307. 


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